IDPH Integrated Management of Structural Pests in Schools – The Illinois Department of Public Health developed these guidelines on structural IPM in consultation with the Structural Pest Control Advisory Council, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Illinois Department of Agriculture, the
University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service and other agencies and organizations. School district personnel should use this document as a general guide for developing an IPM program for their school.
IDPH A Practical Guide to Management of Common Pests in Schools – Developed by the Illinois Pest Control Association, Illinois Department of Public Health, Structural Pest Control Advisory Council and University of Illinois Extension.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School IPM – Provides resources on IPM implementation, Illinois laws and regulations, pest factsheets and more.
IPM Institute of North America School IPM 2020 – School IPM 2020 Pest Management Strategic Plan is IPM Institute’s living roadmap to achieving high-level IPM in all US schools.
City of San Francisco Department of the Environment’s Reduced-Risk Pesticide List – San Francisco’s Reduced Risk Pesticide List for City-owned properties. Approved September 25, 2018 by the San Francisco Commission on the Environment.
University of California San Francisco Integrated Pest Management: A Curriculum for Early Care and Education Programs – This Integrated Pest Management Curriculum was developed by the University of California (UC), San Francisco School of Nursing’s California Childcare Health Program, UC Berkeley’s Center for Children’s Environmental Health Research, UC Statewide IPM Program and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.